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Blood Enters From All Around The Body To The Right Side Of The Heart

Congenital heart failure obstructs the regular circulation of blood from the heart to the rest of the body. There are actually many types of congenital heart deficiencies starting from mild deficiencies with no symptoms to a lot more acute effects with fatal symptoms which require special monitoring and healthcare throughout the patient's lifespan.

The heart is a muscle that acts as a pump to provide blood all over the body. It has two parts, left and right, that is separated by a wall generally known as the septum. There are four chambers present in the heart; two is situated in the right and the rest two is situated in the left. The upper two are referred to as the atria and lower two are called ventricles. Blood enters from all around the body to the right side of the heart. The heart after that pumps the blood to the lungs. Blood is oxygenated inside the lungs and is then transferred back to the heart through blood vessels that carry blood to the heart. The heart receives blood on the left side and transfers oxygenated blood to the remaining of the body by way of the aorta and other blood vessels.

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There are various kinds of heart problems that are responsible for congenital heart failure some of which incorporate:

- Septal defects or more commonly known as 'hole in the heart'. The septum is liable for dividing the left side of the heart from the right so that oxygenated blood does not mix with deoxygenated blood. Septum's hole triggered a hole inside the heart. This results in blood from both sides to mix together.

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- Tetralogy of Fallot. This is the most typical complex heart defect that needs to be taken care of with surgery. It is a blend of four deficiencies: 1) Pulmonary valve stenosis. It is the thinning of the pulmonary valve which allows blood to movement from the right ventricle to the pulmonary arteries & after that to the lungs for the blood to get oxygenated. 2) A large ventricular septal defect. This involves hole in the part of the septum that divides both ventricles. The hole causes the oxygenated blood from the left ventricle to circulate to the right ventricle rather than flowing to the organs in the body. 3) Right ventricular hypertrophy. The right ventricular muscle is denser than usual due to the fact that the heart has to work too hard to pump blood to the rest of the body system at a high enough pressure. 4) A superseding aorta. Aorta is on top of both ventricles rather than just the left ventricle. As a result deoxygenated blood (oxygen deprived blood) enters the aorta which transfers it to the rest of the body system. These kinds of faults prevent the blood from getting oxygenated and transfer oxygen deprived blood to the tissues within the body.

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Congenital heart disease in babies involves chromosomal as well as genetic abnormalities in the child. These kinds of flaws can be part of chromosomal and genetic syndromes that includes Down syndrome and Turner syndrome. Various other causes include maternal infections for instance Rubella (German measles) and medications, alcohol and drug abuse in pregnancy.

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Congenital heart failure includes symptoms ranging from mild to most severe cases. Occasionally symptoms are not identified until adulthood while some are diagnosed before birth or after birth. A number of the signs and symptoms of congenital heart failure in elderly and children are shortness of breath (during work out), heart murmur, respiratory infections, poor growth and feeding and deficiencies in limbs and muscles as a result of under-development.

Cyanotic Heart Problems: Factors, Risk Factors And Cyanotic Heart Conditions Presentation
Cyanotic originates from the word cyan meaning blue as a result a patient suffering from cyanotic heart disease is generally discolored blue due to lack of oxygen in his body. It is a congenital heart defect and is therefore present at birth.

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  • Oxygenated Blood Then Returns To The Left Side Of The Heart From Where Oxygen Rich Blood Is Pumped To The Rest Of The Body

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